
Big lady, Lotta love

A giant puppy dog of a Roe who genuinely enjoys the company of others and putting her strength and combative ability to use keeping people safe.

This is an IC Profile for the FFXIV character Ivory. Use the buttons below to learn more about this character and thanks for visiting!

Basic Information

Name: Ivory
Nickname: Ivy, Puppy
Age: Young Adult
Race: Hellsguard Roegadyn (Albino)
Nameday: 27th Sun of the 1st Astral Moon
Gender: Female
Orientation: Panromantic Pansexual
Marital Status: Single

Alignment: Chaotic Good
Patron Deity: Rhalgr, the Destroyer

Profession: Bodyguard
Languages: Common Eorzean
Birthplace: Somewhere in La Noscea
Residence: None currently, though she tends to stay at the inn in Limsa a lot

In Character Classes: Warrior, pretty much exclusively.
Out of Character Classes: anything not warrior



Hair: White, very short and tidy with a little bit of bang on forehead
Eyes: pale blue with white eyelashes
Height: 8'4"
Build: Incredibly muscular
Distinguishing Features: Her albinic features tend to make her stand out

General Fashion Tastes: Whether in armor or dressed down she always wears shades of white! Her armor is well tended and polished and clothing well mended and she does put some level of care into her appearance at all times, though not to any sort of overly sophisticated sort of way. She's a simple woman at the core of it all.
Notable Accessories: None

Ivory is an incredibly tall, powerful looking roe woman with albinic features (incredibly pale skin, gentle blue eyes, and white hair and long white eyelashes). She tends to dress in all whites and has an almost ethereal look to her at times, though it only adds to her charm, somehow. She's built strong and tough and like she could topple over just about anything if she really wanted and she can easily carry a few people at a time if she puts her mind and muscle to it. All in all a pretty but powerful woman with a smile that can't help but warm your heart.


Positive Qualities: friendly, protective, kind, energetic, courageous, loyal
Negative Qualities: over eager at times, can be a bit possessive, hard to calm her down once she's gotten enraged over something

Ivory is a giant puppy dog of a woman, she's loyal and courageous and when she bonds to someone as friend or more she will be there for them through thick and thin. Perhaps to too strong of a degreed depending on how you look at it. She loves to give attention to those she cares about and could cuddle someone for hours at end if given the chance. She's generally just a big, loveable woman who wants to be there for everyone around her and make some sort of difference in the world, no matter how small.


Hobbies: fighting, eating, cuddling, swimming
Vices: none, really

Likes: cute things, being able to protect people, bright sunny days, the ocean, being active, shiny things, trying new things, food
Dislikes: feeling weak, being sick, dark and dreary things, negative emotions
Fears: Failing to protect the people she cares about when they need her most


Below are various pictures I've received or have taken of them in game. Enjoy!

Char References

none yet


Artist Credits in order of appearance:
azumawhirl - PrincessHiri -trashmink


Roleplay Information

Looking For

The following is what I'm most looking for in regards to this character and roleplay.

  • Friendship

  • Romance (short or long term) - char is multiship but every relationship is it's own AU

  • Work/people to protect

Normal Haunts

The following are the places you can most likely find this character.

  • Limsa Lominsa - Ivory is quite fond of the sea and loves to be around it, and as such has defintiely made Limsa and La Noscea her primary place to be when she isn't needed elsewhere

  • Any big city - Her work as a bodyguard does take her all over the place, so its' not hard to find her in just about any city, specially when she's either looking for work or on a job itself.

  • Out in the wilds - When not on a job (or when on one that takes her out into it) Ivory does love to test herself and go out into the wild and just fight anything that she comes across that coudl potentionally be a problem for other people. Keeping the roadways safe for all Eorzeans everywhere.

RP Hooks

The following are some possible RP Hooks we can plot off of for our characters to meet/interact with each other! I am always open to other suggestions though should you think of any, just let me know!

  • Protect me, please! - Whether it's a legit bodyguarding job you want to hire her for, or you're just in danger and she happens to be nearby and you're calling for aid Ivory will be quite happy to offer it. Money or not involved she can't stand by when someone is in danger and needs help!

  • Cuddletime! - Ivory LOVES to cuddle, doesn't matter who you are, if she considers you even remotely a friend chances are she's going to grab you and cuddle you at some point. So prepare for your big puppy dog roe cuddles because they're coming whether you want them or...well, if you really don't she won't, but you know. Cuddles!

  • Let's go on an adventure! - Ivory loves to get out and see the world, and having a friend to do it with is even better! So let's go out and make some fun memories, folks!

  • Will you try this for me? - Is your character into cooking? Want someone to taste test? Ivory has an iron stomache and will eat literally anything, so bring it on.

OOC Information


  • Time Zone: Eastern US (EST)

  • Active Hours: In-game: 12pm-4am most days. This is not my main though so please be mindful of that fact and ask for my main's name if you want to keep in touch when I'm not on her.

  • Preferred place to RP: In-game and discord are both welcomed (ask for discord once we've gotten to know each other some, I do not give it until I'm comfortable.) In-Game is my main preference with discord good for continuations or if in-game scheduling is proving difficult.

OOC/RP Guidelines

  • While I am open to RPing with muses of any age, romantic and nsfw content will only be with muns and muses both 18+

  • Avoid metagaming at all, please. All information in this profile is meant for OOC purposes only, and not to be used IC unless your character might know part of it.

  • While I can be a pretty robust writer, I do try to match my partners. So if you want long posts from me, then give me long posts in return. Short posts get short responses. Simple enough.

  • I am comfortable with darker themes (violence, sex, drugs, etc) and am just fine RPing them out as long as they make sense to the story being told between our characters. Any particular heavy themes I would prefer to discuss OOCly first before anything happens ICly.

  • I am not one to really judge too harshly on lore bending, since I do it myself, but if you are completely breaking the lore of the game I may politely decline RPing with you, though wish you all the best in having fun your own way otherwise!

  • OOC and IC are not the same, nor should they ever be treated as such. Anything my character says or does will not always reflect me as the player. I ask that all that I RP with keep this in mind and know how to keep the two separate! No drama please, I'm just here to play barbies with friends and have a good time, yeah?

  • I enjoy all types of RP. Combat, adventure/exploration, bar crawls, casual chatter, romantic, friendly, whatever. I like to see my characters thrive in all walks of their life and enjoy playing out just about anything there is to be played out. If you're looking for a particular type of RP don't hesitate to ask and let's see if we can't make something happen!

  • Please note, that while I enjoy romantic RP and am not opposed to sexual RP I am not looking to live vicariously through my characters. I am not interested in dating you nor am I wanting to cyber with you, no matter what our characters themselves may be getting up to.

  • I enjoy PvE content and am always happy to make RP friends who will also run dungeons and the like with me from time to time! So if you're looking for an RP buddy who will actually run around doing non-RP stuff with you, I'm your gal! I am also very heavily into taking screenshots and take a lot of inspiration from RPs I do to make them, so if you'd like me to do that with our muses do let me know and I'll be sure to keep our RPs in mind when looking for gpose inspiration!

  • This char is not my only char, nor are they my main and as such I am not always on them, but if you are ever interested in other chars of mine and may want to RP with them instead please feel free to give them a look here and see if anyone catches your interest!